My sister, Alana, asked me to photograph her kids. I don’t think I have ever been so nervous in my entire life! Alana is my best friend, she’s the best older sister ever. Since they have lived in Colorado, our relationship has only grown stronger, and more awesomER! She is quite literally the best. You can boast about your friends and family all you want but my mind will never change. I couldn’t ask for a better older sister.
So I was nervous! I didn’t want to disappoint. I wanted to give her something that she would just adore and wallpaper her entire home with! (Haha, that would be awkward actually.) Once we arrived at City Park in Denver, my nerves melted away. She gave me a huge hug and we just had a really fun time. First off, her kids are GORGEOUS! And how could they not be? They came from ALANA. She is by far the number 1 person I have always wanted to look like! She’s beautiful, a health nut, funny, kind, sweet, amazing, and so, so strong. Everything you want in a sister.
And her kids just follow in her foot steps. They’re awesome and I really love hanging out with them. Her boys, Jackson & Eli, both sent me a TEXT on my birthday this month. It seriously made me feel like a million bucks!! I never hear from them through texts, ever. Unless we’re all on a family group text and they’re begging to be removed from the list so they’ll stop receiving text after text. after text!
And Hayley, oh Hayley!! She is a gorgeous, bright, funny, determined girl/young woman. She’s awesome and I just adore her. I have since she was born. I was the lucky kiddo that got to go with my mom to pick Hayley and Alana up from hospital a few days after she was born. I had never seen a baby SO tiny and new before!
The blessings that we call family. I will forever be grateful for bond Alana and I have built over the years. I love that she lives so close and I think I would die a little if she ever left me again.
Thanks Alana, for everything. You are simply my favorite Alana. My favorite older Sister, my favorite. I hope you love these photos as much as I loved taking them for you!

The handsome Jackson
The daring Eli

*sigh* Hayley

They seriously look more like sisters than Mother & Daughter.

I just love them!!