These are some of my favorite people.
We’ve known Janna & Rocky for a few years now. If you know my husband, you would know that he doesn’t really like to go out much or spend time with many people outside of his family. He’s a home-body. And he is one because he works a lot. When he’s not working, he’s at church serving others. Both occupations are huge blessings in our lives so no one is complaining but, they can be very exhausting when they run back to back.
Janna & Rocky are an exception to the rule though. Rocky & Joe served side-by-side at church for a few years which meant Janna and I really got to know each other well. Janna was there for me through a few difficult times. She was always there with a listening ear, patient advice, awesome snacks, and it was pretty convenient that she had two sweet boys that got along really well with my boys. Not to mention, Rocky & Joe were fast friends which didn’t hurt the situation at all. They enjoy fishing together, camping, swapping mission stories and amazing recipes from their missions, talking guns, games, and even pumpkin carving techniques.
When Joe was called as Bishop in our church, (we are LDS, Mormon, so a Bishop would be the equivalent of a Pastor or Priest), it was quite time consuming and we didn’t see Joe very often at all so we lost a few friendships along the way mainly because if Joe was home, he wanted to spend his time with his family and not going out. It was an adjustment for a few people. A lot of people understood, others didn’t. Its hard to keep friendships alive when you don’t see your friends ever. But there are a few friends that stay true, even if they don’t see you every day.
I’m truly grateful for patient, understanding friends, who know you don’t have a lot of time on your hands and don’t get hurt or offended when you just want to stay home, not because you don’t want to hang out but purely because you’re exhausted from your week and you just want to be with your little family. I’m also grateful for friends who come over at a moments notice, dressed in pjs, to have dinner, watch movies or play games and let the little ones play. The Hortons are those friends for us. They have since moved, 5 hours away, but that has yet to make a dent in our friendship. When we do get to see each other, we just pick up where we left off last, without skipping a beat. Its so wonderful.
I feel blessed to know Janna and to have her in my life. I’ve always said I hope some friendships are eternal ones because it would be awesome to reconnect with them in the life after this one. Janna is the kindest, sweetest, funniest, feistiest, most patient and amazing friend. I love that I get to call her MY friend. She’s truly one of the best. And I think it is so cool that we have two boys and a girl each!!!
I’m also grateful that Rocky has been such an awesome friend to my husband. Few people get Joe, even fewer people become his good friend. Thanks Rocky!
So, since I have officially unloaded my emotional rant for the week, here are some cute photos that transpired during their last visit!

Meet Konner! He is such a stud! I just love this kid and his amazing personality. He is full of life, this one!

Sweet Hunter, love this kid and his love for oreos & milk. He’s so sweet and kind but also brave and courageous.

And we can’t forget little Tayler. She is such a fun little girl, I just love her to death. She can definitely hold her own with her brothers.

I just love this lady!

Cutest couple ever.

We you love you guys! Thanks for being our friends!