Saturday, July 26, 2014



I think everyone is blessed with beautiful talents. Everyone is born with something that makes them special. It takes a lot of us much longer to discover what those special talentsare; to recognize them, to embrace them, to help them grow, and then one day be confident enough to share them with others. To me, that's the key: sharing them. Once we share them, they can only get better and stronger. We all should be there for each other, helping build each other up and to grow in our talents, whatever they may be. Support, love, kindness, trust, faith, guidance, just a few things that we should be giving each other. Patience. The list could go on forever. Being forever positive instead of finding fault & negativity in everything and everyone will not only effect us in an amazing way, but those around us as well. 

My challenge to you is to find something you're passionate about, if you haven't already, and go with it. Take that first scary step and embrace your beautiful talent. And always remember to be forever grateful to The One who blessed you with your talents. --Natalie

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nardone Family - aurora, co photographer

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The Nardone family is just the sweetest! They have been wonderful friends for the past few years. They’re just awesome and you all should be jealous!

Josh was going to dental school here in Aurora and once he graduated, they found out Florida would be their new home. I’m a little envious, for sure. Florida is beautiful and they will be gaining an awesome family!

We did this shoot just before they moved to FL and we had a TON of fun. Aside from getting eaten alive by the mosquitoes, it was a great evening. Aurora makes for a beautiful backdrop too!

So here’s to you Nardone Family! And best of luck to you on your new journey! I’m hoping it brings you back to CO one day. Hey, when it comes to great friends, a girl can dream, right??

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Monday, July 21, 2014

Avril - co newborn photographer

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My friend Kyla had her second sweet little girl earlier this year. I was thrilled when she contacted me for a newborn session. Little Avril was so sweet and relaxed, we had such an easy going shoot and I really enjoyed catching up with Kyla. Her oldest daughter, Ellery, was fun to photograph with Avril as well! Such a smart, sweet little girl.

Kyla is richly blessed with her two girls and her daughters are blessed to have her as a mother! I’m glad we got to meet up and have such a nice morning together.

Thanks Kyla! Your girls are beautiful.

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